Foundation Brochure

1560778_523697531078071_555766827_n-1As each practitioner knows, the Moo Duk Kwan® philosophy and the Soo Bahk Do® martial art have valuable attributes that benefit both individuals and society as a whole.

One powerful opportunity that each practitioner and instructor has is to START sharing the Art with others who can also benefit from it. Toward that purpose we are asking you to help the Foundation acquire additional financial resources for this purpose.

The Foundation’s goals include increasing public awareness of, and participation in, our art. The Foundation also seeks to provide financial support to the Federation thus providing new participation opportunities for individuals who otherwise may not have an opportunity to experience Soo Bahk Do®.

To that end, the Foundation asks for your help distributing the enclosed informational brochure detailing how interested supporters can contribute to these important campaigns.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with this information so you can respond to student questions.

You may contact any of the Foundation’s Board Directors ( for clarifications or additional information about how you can assist us in meeting these important objectives to expand the number of beneficiaries of Soo Bahk Do® and to help preserve its future.

Please help by distributing the Foundation’s brochure as widely as possible.

  • Download the electronic version here.

We thank you for your support and look forward to the great opportunities that your active participation and support of the Foundation will make possible.

Yours in the Moo Duk Kwan,
Board of Directors, U.S. Soo
Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Foundation, Inc.

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